
Monday, June 11, 2012

A Very Special Birthday

Today is my dad’s 80th birthday! Hooray!

Dad is a doctor, astronomer, photographer, naturalist, inventor, teacher, traveler, writer, baker, and gardener, as well as being an excellent all-around family guy.

The Piemaker and I made a quick trip out to California for a family celebration of the big birthday. It was great to see some aunts, uncles, and cousins (including some brand-new baby cousins!), in addition to Bro, SIL, the Niece, and of course, my parents. We had a lovely visit, breathed in the cool air, and now we’re back in Arizona. Hope to get back to the coast soon.

Happy Birthday, Dad!



  1. Glad that you had a lovely trip! Family celebrations are such wonderful events.

  2. So sweet that you were able to celebrate your Dad's birthday with him. I know your family was happy to have you travel home. Happy Belated Birthday to your Dad!

  3. Always good to hear of such happy family events.
    The weather's nice and cool here - happy to trade for some of your Arizona heat!
